
Dropped iPhone in Water? Here is What to Do

Apple iPhone is a very expensive and precious device which nobody would want to loose in any circumstance. But there are still many instances where  people encounter the adversity of dropping iPhone in water.

For example, Your iPhone slipped out of your pocket and ran straight down into toilet, or you left it in your clothing and it got washed away in the washing machine or  due to beach incident where this problem occurs most often or somehow you have invented a novel way of wetting your phone.

Whatever the case is, it is never too late to restore your phone back to working condition provided you have not already committed the mistake of switching it on.

Below we have collected some of the methods that will help you to restore your iPhone after you dropped it in water.

1. Do No turn it on

The thing about water is that, it is conductible and once your iPhone falls in water no matter what, do not turn it on.

Turning on the iPhone means allowing the current to pass through unnecessary and over lapping paths, which will lead to short circuits and eventually, temporary or permanent damage to your iPhone.

If you do so, you might even have bade good bye to your iPhone or pay $199  in exchange for a refurbished iPhone only possible if your phone is still under warranty.

2. Dry Out

Assuming that you haven’t already turned your iPhone on or maybe your iPhone is lucky enough to have survived the minor short circuits, all you need to do is open your iPhone case, remove SIM card and then shake out water. Now, use a blow dryer on low heat for 15-30  minutes .

3. Desiccate

Desiccation is a process of extreme drying and the materials or instruments used to do the same are called desiccants and desiccators respectively.

A desiccant is a hygroscopic substance which helps to absorb moisture, and the most easily available desiccant is rice.

After following Step 2 all you have to do is put some rice in a zipped bag and put your iPhone in the center without covering it with anything.

This will ultra dry your iPhone. You can also use more efficient  Silica gels available at most craft stores.

4. Wait

Wait for about 24 hours or more depending on the time of contact between iPhone and water. If your iPhone was in water for few minutes then let it desiccate for 2 -3 days and 6-7 days if your phone was in water for more than that.

Also, you might want  to replace the Rice 3-4 times during the process and also blow dry it for 15 minutes every day.

5. Turn On

After following the above steps precisely you are ready to Turn on your iPhone and surprisingly your iPhone may work as it has happened with many people.

If your iPhone starts normally, check whether everything is working fine, like head phone, Mic, etc. If you see a some minor problems restoring your iPhone to factory settings may help.

If after following these Steps your iPhone still doesn’t turn on, you might want to replace with the refurbished one which Apple now offers at a price of  $199 with 90 days warranty.

Note: Since Apple doesn’t cover Water damage many people would try to fool Apple by portraying some other defects in the iPhone.

But it should be kept in mind that there are 4 sensors in iPhone that turn Pink if immersed in water, making it easy for the folks at Apple to understand water damage. So there is no fooling around. (Or is there? ;))

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