
How to Find Books for iPad

Apple iPad is an ideal device for reading aficionados because of its efficient battery back up, portability and slim design. There are thousands of games and apps available for entertainment and productivity but Apple does not lag behind in reading front. There are unlimited free and paid books available in different formats but iPad preferentially reads ePub format. The rest of the formats can be converted to ePub by reading the post about about reading and importing ePub books.

There are a plethora of apps available in the market that help you to have a comfortable reading experience on your iPad and the same apps let you download a plethora of Books on your iPad. So, how exactly do you find books that you can then read on your iPad?

1. iBooks By Apple

Apple’e very own exquisite app that allows you to download and read enormous Books on your iPad. You can simply download and latest as well as classic books from iBookstore to your iBooks shelf  with just a tap. You can swipe between pages and add bookmark or notes to your favorite passages. You can also find fully illustrated books equipped with extra audio, video, and animation. iBookStore also allows you to preview books before you actually add them to your collection and after you do, you can manage them by categorizing them under different title, author, or other category.

You can also easily adjust screen brightness, text size and font faces for a tireless reading experience in any environment. By its auto sync option you can resume reading on your computer, iPhone or iPod right where from you left.

iBooks By Apple

2. Free Books By SpreadSong

This free Book reader besides providing proficient reading experience allows you to choose from an array of 23,469 books to download for maximal reading experience. If you already have eBooks on your computer you can easily tanfer and read them on your iPad using its efficient and easy  Dropbox integration feature. Besides famous, latest and classic books you can also download and read Letters of leaders, the collected works of geniuses, the finest Victorian novels, the plays of Shakespeare, the philosophy of Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, the autobiographies of Benjamin Franklin and Andrew Carnegie.

Free Books By SpreadSong

Do you know of any other ways to find new and best books for your iPad? Do you prefer Amazon for books for iDevice too? Let us know in the comments or on facebook.

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